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基于机器学习策略的养老金管理Pension Fund Management with a Machine Learning Strategy
发布时间: 2024-07-08

主题基于机器学习策略的养老金管理Pension Fund Management with a Machine Learning Strategy

主讲人夏威夷大学马诺阿分校 陈铧教授

主持人js333线路登录 赵琳教授



主办单位:js333线路登录 科研处


陈铧,毕业于佐治亚州立大学,2008-2018年任天普大学福克斯商学院风险管理与保险系副教授,现任夏威夷大学马诺阿分校希德勒商学院金融系教授。陈铧教授的研究涉及长寿风险管理、金融系统性风险分析、金融市场稳定性、企业风险管理以及保险经济学等领域。他的研究在风险管理、保险以及精算领域的顶尖学术期刊上发表,且多次获得天普大学和夏威夷大学的各项教学和研究奖。陈铧曾任Journal of Insurance IssueJournal of Insurance and Finance的副主编,也是Journal of Risk & Control and Risks的编委会成员。


Managing pension funds has been an increasingly challenging task for defined benefit pension sponsors. Subject to a series of funding regulatory requirements, pension funds are pressured to generate consistent returns to meet their long-term pension liabilities while mitigating the investment risk at the same time in order to avoid pension shortfalls. In this paper, we introduce a novel Autoformerbased approach, a time series prediction method evolved from Transformer, to predict asset returns and design the trading strategies. Subsequently, we employ the Genetic Algorithm, a search and optimization technique based on the mechanics of natural selection and genetics, to further determine the optimal asset allocations among various stocks and bonds, controlling the pension shortfall risk. Our results show that the proposed method significantly outperforms traditional pension fund investment strategies.


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