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风险项目在二重不同风险源不确定性和不完全市场下的定价研究Risky Project Valuation in Incomplete Market with Two Sources of Uncertainties
发布时间: 2024-07-08


Risky Project Valuation in Incomplete Market with Two Sources of Uncertainties

主讲人南丹麦大学 何英副教授

主持人js333线路登录 赵琳教授



主办单位:js333线路登录 科研处


何英现任南丹麦大学商业与管理系副教授。他分别在西安交通大学经济与金融学院和美国德克萨斯大学McCombs 商学院取得经济学学士(2004)和管理科学博士(2014)学位。自2014年至今,一直受聘于南丹麦大学。他的主要研究领域包括:(1) 决策理论与决策分析; (2) 决策理论在不同商业和经济问题中的应用:如资产定价,实物期权,运营管理等。其主要学术成果发表于多个国际著名学术期刊,如Management Science, Operations Research, Production and Operations Research, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Decision Analysis 等。其中多项成果获得了管理学和经济学的奖项。他的博士论文的部分成果于2010年获得INFORMS Decision Analysis Society(DAS)最佳学生论文奖;2019年他关于decision making under ambiguity 的研究成果被经济学决策理论方向的Risk, Uncertainty, and Decision (RUD) 会议选为该会议当年的 Jaffrary Lecture;他的研究成果还获得了2022 年Clemen-Kleinmuntz Decision Analysis Best Paper 入围奖;以及2023年INFORMS DAS Publication Award。何博士于2000-2023当选为INFORMS DAS 理事会成员。


This research examines real option valuation within an incomplete market characterized by both market uncertainty—which can be strategically hedged by holding a replicating portfolio of tradable assets in the financial market—and private uncertainty rooted in the project manager’s unique insights and private information about specific uncertain events. We explore the decision tree analysis introduced by (Smith and Nau 1995a) and suggest an alternative using the smooth ambiguity model that seamlessly integrates both the financial market’s valuation and the manager’s individual preferences. Our findings emphasize that the sequencing of the two uncertainties in the two-stage valuation is vital, and these two frameworks don’t always align, resulting in divergent outcomes. To bridge these discrepancies, we introduce a specific condition related to preferences. Our research provides a nuanced understanding of the topic, underscoring the importance of the order in which uncertainties are tackled and presenting a unified approach to ensure valuation consistency.


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